After creating your own help centre with Trengo, you’re able to further configure it to your liking. In this article, we’ll show you how to do this.
Configure your help centre
Follow the instructions below to configure your help centre in Trengo.
1. Navigate to Help Centre and select your help centre;
2. Select ‘Settings’;
3. Configure your help centre;
1. Published: If set to ‘Yes’, your help centre is published and publicly available.
2. Company name: Add your company name here, which will be shown in the tab in your web browser and will be filled in with the ‘Return to…’ feature.
1. Languages: Select the language(s) your help centre is available in. Do note that articles will not be translated automatically.
2. Default language: Choose the default language of your help centre.
1. Helpcenter title: The title of your Help centre, which will be shown as a header on your help centre page.
2. Homepage URL: This is the URL the ‘Return to…’ button redirects you to.
Don’t forget to click ‘Save changes’ to preserve your configurations.
ℹ️ The ‘Advanced settings’ can be used to host your help centre on your own domain, integrate Google analytics, add your own custom head code, and have your help centre be found via Google Search.