How can we help you?

Video tutorials
Use Trengo from any browser— no installation necessary.
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API documentation
Download the Android app and receive push notifications.
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Knowledge base

Getting started
Everything you need to know to get you started with Trengo.
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Working in Trengo
Getting started as a user of the Trengo inbox.
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Trengo account
Learn about your Trengo account, your team's access, bills and financing.
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WhatsApp Business
How to set up WhatsApp Business, create templates and other useful information.
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Learn how to set up email channels, create auto replies and other email settings.
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Social media channels
Set up Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram in Trengo.
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Voice and SMS
Learn how to set up Voice and SMS channels in Trengo.
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Website chat and widget
How to set up a website chat channel, create and place a website widget.
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Send messages to groups of people via SMS or Whatsapp Business.
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Retrieve and share information with other applications.
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Help centre
Learn how to set up structure your Help Centre, write articles and all other settings.
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Increase efficiency and save time by automating repetitive workflows.
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Great features that will help you to work more efficiently in Trengo.
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Customer satisfaction
How to set up and send out customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys using Trengo.
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Trengo analytics
Monitor the inbox's performance by checking the reports of your Trengo analytics.
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Beta features
Features and functions currently being tested by Trengo
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Trengo AI
Learn everything you need to know about Trengo AI.
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Still having trouble?

Not finding the answer to your question? Get in touch with us, and we'll do our best to help you out!
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