After adding a Facebook channel to your Trengo inbox, you are able to respond to comments on your Facebook posts. In this article, we’ll explain all features Trengo offers regarding this functionality.

Respond to Facebook comments

When a post has been published on the connected Facebook page, the post will arrive as a conversation in your inbox. Every comment received on that post will be added to that conversation.

When comments someone comments on your post, there are three actions you can perform.

🔘 Respond to your post: Reply publicly to your post, by entering your comment in the text field and clicking ‘Send’.

🔘 Respond to the comment: You’re able to reply to a specific comment, by clicking ‘Reply’ below the comment, entering your response in the text field, and clicking ‘Send’.

🔘 Like the comment: You can ‘like’ a comment by clicking the ‘Like’ button.