With Trengo, you’re able to host your own help centre to help your customers find answers to their questions quickly, and with that take pressure off your customer support team so that they can focus more on incoming queries. In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about Trengo’s help centre appearance.
Help centre homepage
When navigating to your help centre, you’ll be greeted by its homepage. Below, we’ll explain what you see there.
1. Logo: Your company logo, which you can add while stylising your help centre.
2. Homepage URL: By clicking ‘Return to…’, you’ll be redirected to the URL you set up when configuring your help centre.
3. Help centre title: This is the title of your help centre.
4. Search bar: This search bar can be used by your customers to look up certain articles.
5. Blocks: Grab your customer’s attention by adding blocks to your help centre which can redirect to a category, section, article, or external URL.
6. Categories: Organise your articles by bundling them into categories.
Help centre category
After clicking a category, you’ll be redirected to its content. Below, you’ll find everything that can be found in a help centre category.
1. Category overview: Here you’ll find an overview of the category you chose.
2. Sections: Create subcategories by adding sections to your main category.
3. Articles: The article(s) you’ve created and added to your category.
4. Popular articles: Here you’ll find your most popular articles, based on how many times a certain article has been visited.
5. More subjects: More of your categories are shown here.
Help centre article
After selecting an article, you’re able to read it and navigate your way further through the help centre.
1. Popular articles: Here you’ll find your most popular articles, based on how many times a certain article has been visited.
2. Was this article helpful?: Customers can express their opinion on your article by clicking an emoji.
ℹ️ The results of your customers’ votes can be found in your article overview.
3. Article title: The title you chose for your article.
4. Article route: Customers can easily navigate back to the articles’ section, category, or to your homepage.
5. Article content: The content you added to your article.