After creating a help centre with Trengo, it’s now time to add your content and create an overview by adding articles, sections, categories, and blocks. In this article, we’ll explain to you how to do this.

Add blocks to your help centre

Grab your customer’s attention by adding blocks to your help centre, which can redirect to a category, section, article, or external URL. Follow the instructions below to add blocks to your help centre.

1. Navigate to Help centre > Your help centre > Blocks and click ‘New block’;

2. Set up your block;

1. Block styling: Add a title and description for your block, and choose an icon by clicking the box with the down arrow.

2. Language: Select the language of your block.

3. Link type: Choose what you’d like to link to. This can be an external URL, category, section, or specific article.

4. Link type content: Add the URL, category, section, or article you’d like to link to.

Don’t forget to click ‘Save changes’ to publish your block.

Add categories to your help centre

By adding categories, you can group your articles to create a clear structure for your customers to navigate in. Follow the instructions below to add categories to your help centre.

1. Navigate to Help centre > Your help centre > Categories and click ‘New category’;

2. Set up your category;

1. Category styling: Add a title and description for your block, and choose an icon by clicking the box with the down arrow.

2. Language: Select the language of your category.

3. Category content: After creating sections and articles, you are able to rearrange them here.

Don’t forget to click ‘Save changes’ to publish your category.

Add sections to your help centre

You can use sections to create subcategories in your main categories. Follow the instructions below to add sections to your help centre.

1. Navigate to Help centre > Your help centre > Categories and click ‘Edit’ for the category you’d like to add sections to;

2. Click ‘Add section’;

3. Set up your section;

1. Section title: Add a title or your section here. You’re also able to move it up or down by dragging the section using the hamburger icon.

2. Delete title: Click the ‘x’ to delete your section.

3. Section content: After creating articles, you are able to add and rearrange them here.

Add articles to your help centre

Follow the instructions below to add articles to your help centre.

1. Navigate to Help centre > Your help centre > Articles and click ‘New article’;

2. Set up your article;

1. Category: Choose the category you’d like the article to be sorted in.

2. In the spotlight: When you set this to ‘Yes’, the article will be shown in a separate block on your help centre’s homepage.

3. Language: Choose the language this article is in.

4. Manage attachments: Optionally add attachments to your article.

5. Draft/Published: Set this option to ‘Published’ to publish your article online.

6. Article title: Add the title of your article.

7. Article content: Add the content of your article.

8. Toolbar: Use the different tools to format the text to your liking.