After adding a Voice channel to your Trengo inbox, it’s possible to register phone calls from your SIP devices. The conversations will be logged in Trengo, so you can make notes and add them to the conversational overview. Do note the actual conversation will take place via your SIP device. In this article, we’ll show you how to set this up.

Set up Voice with your SIP carrier

Follow the steps below to connect your SIP carrier via a Voice channel to your Trengo inbox.

1. Choose an internal name for your channel and add the team(s) responsible for this channel;

2. Add your SIP carrier’s phone number in international format;

3. Add your device(s) and choose a user responsible for the device;

4. Click ‘Create channel’;

5. A webhook, including a token, will be generated. This unique code will help you link this channel to your SIP provider;

7. Use our developer documentation to set up the connection on the provider's end.

Good to know

Keep the following things in mind while making use of a voice channel connected to your SIP device.

🔘 Make sure inbound and outbound calls are configured correctly. For inbound calls, the origin is the person that tries to call your organisation. The destination is the number that is connected to Trengo. Outbound calls work exactly the other way around: here the number in Trengo is the origin and the other end is the destination.

🔘 When an inbound call has the status ‘ringing’ at your SIP carrier, this will create a pop-up in Trengo to notify the agents that a phone call is coming in.

🔘 When an agent has answered the call, or is having a call with a customer, the ‘in progress’ status will create a ticket in Trengo. This conversation will be assigned to the agent that is having the call.

🔘 A completed call will not trigger further visual actions in Trengo.

🔘 With outbound calls, always write the phone numbers in an international format.

You’ve now successfully set up your Voice channel in Trengo, and connected your SIP carrier to it.