After adding a Voice channel to your Trengo inbox, you are able to set up your own IVR menu. In this article, we’ll show you how to do this.

ℹ️ Do note you need to have the Enterprise plan to make use of our IVR menu feature.

Create an IVR menu

Follow the steps below to configure the voice greetings in your voice channel.

1. Navigate to Settings > Channels > Voice and select ‘IVR menus’;

2. Click the ‘plus’ icon to add an IVR menu. Give your IVR menu a name and select a voice greeting in which you explain the keystrokes the customer needs to press to perform a certain action;

3. Add and configure the routes your customer can take within your IVR menu;

1. Keystroke: Select the key (0 to 9) the customer has to choose for the action they want to take.

2. Action: Choose the action you’d like to be performed. You can choose from the actions below.

🔘 Route to voicemail

🔘 Route to team

🔘 Route to IVR menu

🔘 Route to phone number

🔘 End call

3. Greeting: Optionally, choose a voice greeting that is played before the action is performed.

4. Add route: Click this button to add another route.

Don’t forget to click ‘Save changes’ after you finished setting up your IVR menu.

Adding your IVR menu

Follow the steps below to add the IVR menu to your Voice channel.

1. Navigate to Settings > Channels > Voice and select your Voice channel;

2. Scroll down to ‘VoIP settings’ and choose your IVR menu;

3. Click ‘Update channel’ to make your configuration final.

You’ve now successfully created and added your IVR menu. You can now further adjust the channel to your liking, and you’re ready to pick up and make phone calls in Trengo.