We understand that it can be tedious to find all the information you want to train your HelpMate on, especially when you want to get started quickly. Rather than uploading individual documents to create a Knowledge base Collection, you can instead connect your existing Trengo Help Centre to any HelpMate you’re building. Just like with TXT or PDF documents, your HelpMate will learn from the articles you’ve already written and use them to respond to customer queries.

Haven’t created a Help Centre on Trengo yet? You can find out how to do this here.

To connect your Help Centre:

1. Navigate to the Knowledge base tab in AI HelpMate.

2. Click ‘Upload from Help Centre’ to open the upload window. HelpMate will search for any existing help centres in your account.

3. You can upload your entire Help Centre or you can open your Help Centre’s drop down menu to select specific categories or even specific articles. The number of articles you will upload appears in the bottom left of the upload modal.

4. When you’ve made your selections, click ‘Upload articles’. It may take a few moments for the connection to take place.

5. Articles uploaded from your Help Centre will appear under ‘Resources’ just like documents you upload from your computer.

Made any changes to the articles you’ve connected to your HelpMate? HelpMate doesn’t automatically know this, so you will have to come back to your Collection and manually re-sync those changed articles.

1. Click the triple-dot menu at the far right of an article.

2. Select ‘Re-sync article’. It may take a few moments for the sync to take place.