To enhance your team’s productivity in Trengo, you can use views. Views allow you to keep your Trengo-inbox organized by creating different 'folders' to view specific conversations.
Add a view
Follow the steps below to add a view to your Trengo-inbox.
1. Navigate to Settings > Settings > Views and click the ‘plus’ icon or ‘Add view’;
2. You can now set up four types of views;
🔘 Views based on users:
🔘 Views based on status:
🔘 Views based on labels:
🔘 Views based on channels:
ℹ️ Do note you can always add more conditions by clicking ‘Add condition’, with which you can make more complex views. All conditions need to be met for a conversation to appear in your view.
Don’t forget to click ‘Save changes’ after finishing setting up your views.