By sending out customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys, you enable your customers to rate their experience with your service. In this article, we’ll show you how to set up a CSAT survey.

Adding a CSAT survey

Follow the steps below to add a customer satisfaction survey to your Trengo account.

1. Navigate to Settings > Automation > Customer Satisfaction;

2. Click ‘Add new survey’, give your survey an internal name, and further set it up.

Survey text

First, you’ll configure what the actual message looks like that customers receive, wherein you ask them to review their experience with your company.

Follow the steps below to set up your survey text.

1. Your company / Brand name: Add the name of your company, which will be displayed on top of your survey, and in the signature.

2. Survey title: Give your survey a title.

3. Question: Add the question that you’d like to ask your customer, which will be displayed in bold text above the emojis.

4. Button text: The text in the button your customers click to be redirected to the actual survey.

Follow up question

When your customer clicked the button in your first message, they’ll be redirected to the follow-up, where they can leave their actual review.

Add the follow-up question and move on to the next step.

Thank you message

After giving their review, customers are redirected to your ‘thank you’ message, to which you can also add a button with an URL attached to it.

Set up your ‘thank you’ message as stated below.

1. Thank you message: Add the text your customer will see after filling out their survey.

2. Enable button below text field: Enable this feature to add a button to the page.

3. Button text: Add the text displayed on the button.

4. Button URL: Add the URL your customers will be redirected to when clicking the button.

When you’ve set up all of the above, it’s time to set up a rule, that will trigger the CSAT to be sent out when the customer conversation has met your conditions. Please continue to the next page to learn how to set up this rule.