After adding a Voice channel to your Trengo inbox, and choosing to use your own Twilio account, it’s time to connect it. In this article, we’ll show you how to do this.

ℹ️ If you do not have a Twilio account, feel free to create one.

ℹ️ Make sure you have enabled the correct Geo Permissions with regards to Low and High risk calls. This may affect your outbound calls.

Set up Voice with your Twilio account

Follow the steps below to connect your Twilio account via a Voice channel to your Trengo inbox.

1. Choose an internal name for your channel and add the team(s) responsible for this channel;

2. Click ‘Add your credentials’;

3. A pop-up window will appear, asking for your 'Twilio Account SID' and 'Twilio Auth Token';

ℹ️ You can find your 'Twilio Account Sid' and 'Twilio Auth Token' by navigating to your Twilio Console and logging in with your credentials. The information can be found under ‘Account info’.

4. Copy and paste your 'Twilio Account SID' and 'Twilio Auth token' in the Trengo window and click ‘Add account’;

5. Select the phone number you’d like to connect using the dropdown menu;

6. Make sure ‘Agent conference’ is enabled for your Twilio account;

7. Check the box after enabling 'Agent conference';

8. Click ‘Create channel’.

You’ve now successfully set up your Voice channel in Trengo, and connected your Twilio account and phone number to it. Make sure to adjust the channel to your liking, and you’re ready to pick up and make phone calls in Trengo.