With Trengo's Integration Hub, connecting your Magento 2 account to your Trengo Inbox is a breeze. Please ensure you are an Admin in both Trengo and Magento 2 before proceeding.

To create a connection with Magento, you will need to create an 'Integration' by completing the following steps.

Go to your Magento account

  1. After you've signed in as an Admin, from the left menu, select System > Extensions > Integrations.
  1. Select 'Add New Integration'.
  1. Enter a Name and Email for the integration and enter your admin password. Note: The callback and identity URL should be left blank.
  1. Before clicking Save, you'll need to select Basic Settings > API to configure the integration permissions. From this view you'll need to ensure that the following permissions are selected, as they are required to pull Order and Customer data from Magento.:
  • Sales
  • Catalog
  • Customers
  1. Now that your integration has been created, it needs to be Activated by clicking the Activate link in the table.
  1. Review the permissions you've assigned, enable those you might have missed, and click 'Allow'.
  1. Now that your integration has been Activated, you'll be presented with the Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, and Access Token Secret. These are the credentials you'll use to connect to Magento. (The keys shown here are examples.)

Go to your Trengo account

1. Navigate to Settings > Settings > Integrations;

2. Select E-commerce -> Magento 2

3. Select 'Install Integration': 

4. Add a Shop Name and the domain that hosts your Rest API. Please note, the domain should not include the /rest/V1/ suffix as this is added automatically.

5. Then add each of the tokens provided by Magento to their respective fields: 

6. Once you provide all of these details, click 'Install integration'. Congratulations! You can begin using Magento 2 and Trengo together in your Inbox!