With contact groups, you can group certain contacts. You can use these contact groups to send WhatsApp or SMS broadcasts to the same group of customers at the same time.

Creating a contact group

Follow the steps below to create a contact group in Trengo.

1. Navigate to the ‘Contacts’ icon in the left sidebar, and click ‘Contact groups’.

2. Click 'Manage contact groups' in the top right corner.

3. Click the green plus or ‘Add contact group’. Choose a suitable name and save your new contact group.

Add contacts to contact groups

There are two ways to add a contact to your contact group.

🔘 Via ‘Contacts’: Click the ‘Contacts’ icon on the left sidebar and select ‘All contacts’.

Select your contact and click the checkmark of the contact group you want to add the contact to.

🔘 Via a conversation: Navigate to the conversation of the contact you want to add to the contact group. Open the ‘Contact groups’ dropdown on the right sidebar by clicking on the arrow and selecting the checkmark of the contact group.

You’ve now added a contact to a newly made contact group. As mentioned before, you can send WhatsApp and SMS broadcasts to these contact groups directly.