*NOTE: This is a BETA feature and is currently under ongoing testing. If you're interested in being part of the test group, please submit your interest here.

Connect with any email provider

You can connect a vast range of email providers* in Trengo, including your own email server via IMAP. This allows you to combine multiple communication channels in one inbox and empower them with the help of automations and AI.

Time to connect:  < 5 minutes

1. Navigate to Settings > Channels > Email and click the + (plus) icon at the top of the page or “Connect Email” button.

2. Click the “Connect other email client (Beta)” button.

3. You will be directed to select your email provider. Currently, Trengo offers this Beta connection to Gmail and Outlook.

4. Click 'Continue' to confirm the connection.

5. Confirm permissions needed for Trengo to make the connection by clicking 'Allow'.

6. After clicking “Allow” you will get to the final step of channel creation in Trengo. Finishing setting up the channel by giving it a name, assigning it to a team or single user.

Note: for testing purposes we recommend giving this channel a distinctive name. Example - New Channel Connection; or Use This New channel.

7. When you’re finished, click on the 'Create channel' button at the bottom of the page.

That’s it! If you see the above pop up that means your email address is now connected and you can use it on the inbox! You can change its settings any time by navigating to Settings > Channels > Email and selecting it from the list of created Email channels.

During the beta testing period, the settings of the email channel are fixed on a default configuration. These measures are temporary.

  • You can do a 'Reply to All' to respond to all recipients.
  • You can embed attachments.
  • You cannot attach conversation number to subject as a prefix.
  • You cannot sync between Trengo label and the email's provider label.
  • When a customer sends a reply, it will thread into an existing conversation already open with that customer.

Preventing duplicate conversations

In order to keep your previous email channel - for history and caution purposes - and not have duplicate conversations in your inbox, you can create a rule to auto close conversations when they arrive.

1. After creating your channel, go to Automation > Rules.

2. Click on 'Add Rule'.

3. For the new rule, in 'Channels', select the channel you are substituting with the new email integration.

4. In the 'When' section, select 'Inbound message is received'.

5. Set one condition as 'Contact name' - 'doesn’t contain' - '4575v95gfhhj'.

6. Set the 'Actions' as 'Close conversation'.

7. Click on 'Save changes'.

This will close any new conversation that comes in your inbox on your old channel. You can keep receiving messages and reply to your customers on the new channel created with the new email integration normally.