When setting up widget automation for your web widget, you can choose to whom you’d like to show your automation. You can make the audience for your widget automation as specific as you’d like, by using several conditions. In this article, we’ll explain these different conditions to you.

Below you’ll find all the different conditions you can use while setting up the target audience for your widget automation.
Visitor last seen
Choose this condition to target visitors that have been on your site before. For example, 'visitor last seen less than 2 days ago' will trigger your widget automation to all visitors that have visited your site less than 2 days ago, based on their IP address.
Visitor last conversation
This condition targets visitors that you've been in touch with before. When you use, for example, ‘visitor last conversation more than 7 days ago’, the widget automation will be triggered if you had a conversation via Trengo with this customer more than a week ago.
Visitor total visits
Select this condition if you’d like to target visitors that visited your website once, or multiple times, before. The definition of a ‘visit’ is the time spent between entering and leaving your website. A new visit is counted every time a visitor has left your site and returned.
Visitor total page views
Choose 'visitor total page views' if you want your widget automation to trigger based on your visitor's behavior on your website. If you choose this condition, the automation only triggers after a certain number of your website pages have been visited.
UTM source
This condition will trigger based on the source of the visits, which is especially useful if you're running a campaign and you want to share a campaign discount code to a targeted audience only.
UTM campaign
In case you want your widget automation to trigger based on a UTM campaign, you can choose this condition. This could be used to target discount codes for certain audiences.
UTM medium
With the use of this condition, you can trigger your widget automation based on a UTM medium, with which you can target specific audiences.
UTM term
Choose ‘UTM term’ if you want your widget automation to trigger based on the source of the visits. This condition can also be used to target audiences and provide them with, for example, a discount code.
UTM content
This condition can be used to trigger your widget automation based on the source of the visits of your audience, just like all the above ‘UTM’ conditions.
Referrer url
Select this condition if you’d like to target audiences that entered your website via a specific URL. This can be very useful when you’re running a campaign.
Mobile device
Use the condition ‘Mobile device’ to target audiences that visit your website via a mobile phone or other mobile devices.
Visitor language
When using this condition, the widget automation will or will not trigger based on the visitor’s language. The ‘visitor language’ is based on the language set up for their browser.
Returning visitor
Using this condition, you can trigger your widget automation based on the fact that the customer is a first-time visitor of your website, or if they’ve visited your website before.