Building your HelpMate’s knowledge base properly is what ensures your customers have a great experience with your AI-supported business. This means making sure the documents you upload are as concise and clear as possible! Let’s have a look at some best practices.

Basic principles

All the documents that you add will be included as part of a Knowledge base Collection. When a HelpMate is asked a question, it will search its attached Collections to formulate a response.

Focus on text-based content.

Documents should provide textual information related to the topics that you want your HelpMate to know. Remove any charts, images, videos, headers and footers, and any other non-text elements from your documents before uploading.

Put comprehension ahead of format.

There’s no need to reformat your documents into a Q&A format—though if you already have it like that, no problem! It’s more important to make sure that all the relevant information is present in your text.

Provide information, not personality.

A Knowledge base Collection holds all the critical knowledge that you want your HelpMate to use to answer customer questions. Brand identity, tone of voice, and style documents should not be uploaded as part of your collection. You can implement these guidelines when you set up your HelpMate.

Extracting information from web-based content

We get it—rewriting all the information you already have on your website or your help centre without their images and charts would be pretty painful. Thankfully, you don’t have to do that! Here are some easy steps for downloading those web pages and clearing their formatting.

1. Open your web browser and navigate to your chosen web page.

2. ‘Print’ the web page. Your web browser may have specific instructions for how to do this, or you can use your keyboard shortcut.

3. Adjust the print settings:

👉 Save as PDF. Make sure you’re selecting the right pages when you do this to avoid including unnecessary information.

👉 Under ‘Options’, de-select the boxes marked for ‘Headers and footers’ and ‘Background graphics’ if they have been selected. This will automatically remove those elements.

4. Click ‘Save’ and your PDF will be downloaded to your computer. From there, you can upload those documents to a Collection in the Knowledge base.