When creating an email conversation in Trengo, the standard signature will be displayed. You can choose to customize this signature with links and images. In this article, we’ll show you how to create and customize your email signature.

Create an email signature

Follow the steps below to create your signature.

1. Navigate to Settings > Channels > Email > Your email channel;

2. Go to the ‘Email settings’ tab;

3. Scroll down and find the ‘Signature’ section.

Customize your email signature

Trengo offers different features to customize your signature. Below, you’ll find these features explained.

Text styling

With signature text styling, you’re able to have your text look bold, italic, or underlined. It’s also possible to adjust the text color. You can add an ordered or unordered list, add URLs to text, clear formatting, insert an image, and add a table.

Finally, it’s possible to use ‘code view’, giving you the opportunity to see and adjust the code behind your text, to optimize it even further.

Use of tables

Sometimes a receiving inbox may not support your styling, which can then be cleared of formatting and look disproportional to your customer. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to set a table around your signature. You can make the lines transparent, so it doesn't show while having a proportioned signature.

Use of tags

You can use different tags to create personalized email signatures for all Trengo users, using one signature. With the use of custom fields, you can even create your own tags.