Dynamic Content allows you to send captured customer data in the Flowbot to your own system for further processing. This processing can send a message back through the Flowbot (such as a link or track & trace code), but it can also save certain information in a CRM or Webshop, like when a contact moment took place or if an offer has been requested.

How does it work?

Note: In case you are using Dynamic Content to show customer specific or order specific information to a visitor in the Flowbot, you’ll need to collect information in the Flowbot first. This will be required for further processing in the external system (i.e. like collecting order IDs to return order information). You can collect this information by using the “User input” content in the Flowbot. This should precede any addition of dynamic content.

  1. Add “dynamic content” to a Flowbot step.
  2. Input your content in the open fields
  1. URL: This is a URL owned by you and is used to push a request to from the Flowbot.
  2. Headers: Information in request that describes how the request should be executed. For example, Key (content-type) and Value (application/json).
  3. Standard Body Parameters: These parameters are always included in the request.
  4. Body parameters to add: These are parameters you can add to the request. Here you can define what additional data (i.e. custom fields) are pushed to the URL. Often needed for a successful set up.

Once this is all set up, the URL needs to be configured in such a way that a request can be processed, like sending a message in the Flowbot. Work together with your developers to ensure connections can be made within your system.

In case information needs to be returned to Trengo (or Flowbot conversation), Trengo’s Rest API can be utilised. Our API reference can be found here: https://developers.trengo.com/reference

To request an API token, an admin user can navigate to Settings ➡️ Apps & Integrations ➡️ Rest API. API documentation can be found here: https://developers.trengo.com/

You can read more on potential limitations, as well as see a few examples, here:  https://developers.trengo.com/docs/dynamic-content-response