Starting or changing your carrier cost commitment is easy in Trengo.

Start a carrier cost commitment

1. Navigate to Settings > Account > Subscription settings > Edit subscription.

2. Click ‘edit’ under Carrier Cost. Here you can input the commitment amount to what you want at a maximum of €1000. Please contact Support if you need more than this.

3. Click ‘Save changes’. You will immediately be able to start using these cost credits and receive an invoice for the purchase.

Change your carrier cost commitment

1. Navigate to Settings > Account > Subscription settings > Edit subscription.

2. Click ‘edit’ under Carrier Cost. Here you can change your current commitment amount to what you want, from a minimum of €25 to a maximum of €1000. Again, please contact Support if your needs exceed the maximum.

3. Click ‘Save changes’. Your new commitment amount will go into effect after renewal, and you can see this reflected in the blue ‘Scheduled date’ text.

4. If you want to change your commitment amount again, simply repeat these steps. If you want to cancel your change, enter your original amount instead.

Top up your carrier cost

1. Go to your usage page and click the "Add Balance" button.

2. From the modal, choose the amount you want to add to your account. Remember, this will be a one-time purchase.

3. Save your changes and see the updated limit in your account.

4. You can find the invoice for this purchase under Billing History.

Note: To top up the balance as a one-time purchase, customers must have at least a €25 carrier cost commitment.