Adding Telegram to your Trengo inbox will allow you to manage all incoming messages directly in Trengo. Unlike WhatsApp with their WhatsApp business, there is no dedicated Telegram App for business. Fret not, you can make this happen by making a Telegram bot. By doing so, you are creating a branded Telegram for your company.

The bot is necessary to make the API connection. Remember, no bot = no token = no connection.

ℹ️ Do note you need to have an admin account for the Telegram account you’d like to add.

Add Telegram to Trengo

Follow the steps below to connect your Telegram account to your Trengo inbox.

1. Install the Telegram app on your desktop;

2. Connect your phone number, in case you do not have an account yet;

3. Click 'BotFather' and initiate a new conversation by typing '/newbot';

4. Type the name of your new bot;

5. Send one more message with your bot’s name, including 'bot' at the end;

6. Copy the provided access token;

7. Within Trengo, navigate to Settings > Channels > Telegram and click the ‘plus icon’ or ‘Connect Telegram’;

8. Give your channel a name and select the team(s) responsible for this channel;

9. Paste the access token in 'Token'. The username will be filled in automatically;

10. Click the ‘Create channel’ button.

You have now successfully added Telegram to your Trengo inbox.

For your customer to find your company Telegram they must search for the bot name and not the company phone number. The search can be done in-app, once your bot is created any user should be able to find the bot and start a conversation.